

Scott’s view and the Wallace Monument

scotts viewBetween Leaderfoot and Dryburgh the road climbs high to give a commanding panorama across the Tweed valley. There are two principal viewpoints.

Scott’s view reputed to be Sir Walter Scott’s favourite vista of the Eildon hills and where his funeral cortège stopped briefly on its way his burial ground in Dryburgh.


wallace statueThe Wallace Monument which stands close by offering equally commanding views to those who walk to it. This was the first statue to be raised in Wallace's honour. The 22ft statue of the 'Guardian of Scotland' was commissioned by the 11th Earl of Buchan and was erected in September 1814.

Between the two lies Bemesyde House and gardens. The house started life as a 16th century peel tower. The woodland gardens are open to the public, and are at their best when the daffodils are out and also offer magnificent views of the Eildon hills.