
Jane Taylour 1827-1905

Jane TaylourAppeared like a meteor on the Scottish scene, only to vanish in three years. In 1870 she was secretary of the Galloway NSWS (until 1872). She was a good public speaker and undaunted by travel. By April 1871 she had arranged 7 meetings and spoken at 41.

Her persona was part of her appeal – ‘her composition is chaste and elegant, her voice distinct and agreeable, her manner attractive and graceful’ Often accompanied by Agnes McLaren or Mary Hill Burton. Travelled as far as Orkney where she made a particularly good job of shaking the anti-suffrage sentiments of Provost Bain in Kirkwall.

In July 1873 when she had done 150 public meetings she was presented with a public testimonial consisting of a piece of jewellery and 150 guineas .

She was Joint secretary of ENSWS with Agnes Mclaren (1873-6) and on NSWS in 1875. Remained interested in suffrage all her life.


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