

Tinnis Castle

If you go north by road from Moffat and then turn on to the Peebles road, look out for a conical hill on your right, about a mile from Drumelzier, and if you look carefully, right on the summit, you will see the stones of a ruin. This was Tinnis Castle; built around the 15th century within the ruins of an iron age fort, a mighty stronghold in its time. On three sides was a steep drop to valley floor and the only approach was by way of a winding path exposed to the fire of the defending archers.

tinnis castle There lived the Tweedies, a formidable family, said to have been feared for their aggressive disposition, and who were at constant feud with many of their neighbours.

The Castle was destroyed in 1592 on the orders of James VI. It was blown up by gunpowder and such was the force of the explosion that large pieces of masonry, still bound together by their cement, and were hurled into the valley floor where they still lie.

Here once lived Sir James Tweedie who used his position to exert formidable power on his tenants, and, if possible, all, who passed his way. Sir James was a bully. He had devised a method of acquiring a lucrative income by charging a levy on those who passed by. Travellers only needed to cross his land to be required to pay homage to him. Any defaulters could expect rough treatment at the hands of Tweedie’s men and would regret ever passing nearby. 

One day, a small party of men passed along the way without making the least effort to stop and pay homage. Tweedie was enraged and, accompanied by his retinue, rode furiously after the offending party, swearing to have them flogged so that they would never gain have the effrontery to ignore him. As he approached the group, bawling his intentions, their leader turned and Tweedie was horrified to see that the man he was threatening was none other than the King himself. King James was moved to investigate Tweedie’s conduct. He was severely reprimanded and ordered to cease his malpractices immediately.